Monday, September 01, 2008

Michael Moore does it again!

Michael Moore believes that he is so important that God will smite innocent people just so he can smirk that hurricane Gustav has ruined the Republican convention! I've known for some time that he is an arrogant blowhard, but this is beyond anything he's said before. Now he did apologize, but is he sorry for what he said, or sorry he got in trouble?

DNC national chair Dan Fowler was also amused that the hurricane was disrupting the Republican convention, but his comments were overheard on an airline and the video was apparently taken without his knowledge so I'm not posting it here.

But this is typical of the Democrat party. They are hateful and vindictive. There were no Republican operatives with feces and urine arrested trying to disrupt the Democrat convention, but there were Democrat operatives with feces and urine arrested trying to do just that at the Republican convention.

I keep pointing out to people that we have two parties in this country, the evil party and the stupid party. The Democrat leaders are evil and the Republican leaders are stupid for not recognizing they're evil. They just keep trying to get along with them.

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