Many changes are happening. My son Robert was promoted then demoted at his job. So, he went looking for a new one, and found it teaching Social Studies on the Indian reservation in Southern Utah. He just started his vacation at Delta, which is lucky because he starts teaching a week from Monday on the sixteenth, so this week he has to move, next week he begins school and Saturday the 21st he returns to Delta for one day. That doesn’t leave us any room for delays in our flight back from Idaho on that day. If we get delayed to the 22nd we have to pay for our ticket!
My oldest son, Rick is now unemployed. He decided to go back to school, which is a good thing. If all goes according to plan, he'll be teaching next year.
My daughter Valery and her husband Mark? Well Mark's working but they're still living with his parents.
The youngest, Charlie's been going Ebay crazy, but that's slowed down a little since he now has video games coming out of his ears. He's been spending all his time… reading the Harry Potter series again! Actually I've been playing one of his games more than he has—Lode Runner 3-D, what a great game!
I've got my garage insulated except for a little, itsy, teensy bit. I can't justify buying a whole roll of insulation for that, so I'm looking for spare pieces. It's all sheet-rocked except for the east wall.
I'm running out of time (and money) for my summer projects. School starts very, very soon.
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