Friday, October 10, 2003

I've been ignoring a button to take me to the post page for my blogger software, because it puts a link on the blog and I don't really want to do that.

Well duh! I can erase the link and type my entry without having to navigate to the site.

I've had some fun. I put a video camera on the shelf in my classroom and every once in a while I turn it on. It's amazing what the students do when I'm not looking. It's amazing how stunned they look when I give them a detention the very next day after I've watched the video!

Well I now know that Rush has had two failed surgeries on his back and was taking pain medication for the pain. He checked himself into a clinic for the next thirty days, to get off the meds. Of course the liberals who pretend to care so much are gleeful. Again they accuse the conservatives of being filled with hate--because they are. Whatever the liberals accuse the conservatives of being is what they are. Believe it. Remember it. Know it!

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